As we encounter these elements. we will add them to this part of the cancer prevention and cure support site.


The only time that the cat and dog lay together is when they decide to get a little sunlight otherwise the dog chases or ignores the cat. Consider this as a tool of observation.


This tester can be obtained from although I would not follow their testing procedure. Just check the PH rating in the morning before eating. Remember that a PH of 7.0 is neutral. Anything higher is alkaline and anything lower is acidic. You want to be alkaline. Cancer it is said can not advance in an alkaline state.

I tested my dogs and myself. The dogs did great because their dog food is fortified with minerals and vitamins but I on the other hand did poorly. The dogs PH was 7.5 and mine was 6.25. Based on the results I need to take my multi vitamin daily, drink more water, and eat a more alkaline diet.


You can also use a PH strip that measures the PH value of a swimming pool. This you can obtain from a store like Wallmart. The middle indicator is the PH indicator. The color scheme is slightly different. The brighter the red the more alkaline you are.

My wife who is in cancer remission after treatment at MDA also tested almost as good as the dogs which is great for her but I had better fix my problem. This did not happen due to the chemo that she was taking but for the most part was due to the fact that she drinks tap water continuously during the day with a slice of lemon. It turns out that a small amount of lemon is alkaline forming. Note that some bottled water has been stripped of all minerals to achieve a good taste and something has been added to make it acidic and not alkaline! This tool only costs about 1 cent per use but could be one of the most important health gadgets you will have like the thermometer.


To check on the elasticity of your bones and the health of your bones all you need to do is look at your nails. If they crack or break easily then you may have a condition called osteoporosis. Now television adds will tell you to take Boniva, Fosomax, Actonel or other drugs known as bisphosphonates. What these drugs do is suppress the natural process of body rebuilding. By suppressing the osteoclast process of destroying the old bones to make room for the osteoplast process of building new bones the bones get thicker. the problem with this process is that the elasticity of the old bones is low and the reason why the body removes them over time. So density tests will show an improvement but at what cost! Bisphosphonates which is also used in chemical cleaners has many side effects.

If your finger nails crack or break then your elasticity of both your nails and your bones are at risk. Solution: First increase intake of vitamin D and K since they are required to process the other elements necessary for healthy bones. Take a vitamin D supplement or get more sunlight. You can get vitamin K from eating spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, peas, cauliflower and green beans. DO NOT OVER COOK!

2nd. Eat vegetables and fruits in quantities greater than pasta or meats to assure an alkaline state. The best fruit is watermelon. It is the most alkaline forming fruit you can eat and of course it is very tasty. Add fresh onion to your salad. There is something in an onion that helps repair DNA structure! as reported by a micro biologist.

3rd. Drink water at least 4 16 ounce glasses of pure water so as to hydrate your system thus cleaning all residue from all the chemical reactions in the body. I provided this information of a neighbor who was having health issues who said that she got her water from tea and coffee only! She started drinking pure water a lot and had a side effect. She lost her enlarged stomach. Well I had a bear gut also except I do not drink much beer. I noticed a reduction to my stomach as well but did not associate it with drinking more water until she informed me of what happened. Her skin also looks a lot healthier as she was told by her friends. She also lost two sizes.

4th. Take a calcium supplement that has magnesium preferably coral calcium because of all the other trace elements especially selenium since it is important to the health of the thyroid gland and immune system. Also note that all calcium supplements are not alike. I found this out when I changed brands and the calcium was no longer helping me. There are web sites that rate calcium products. Preferably use living coral calcium.

Finally remember that if you don't use it you will loose it - that is muscle tone and bone strength. So exercise on a regular basis. If you exercise in the morning and evening your metabolism will stay in high gear for 8 hours after a rigorous exercise. During the high metabolism your bones will receive more nutrients especially the ones listed earlier. By the way this is a good way to loose weight without dieting since the increased metabolism breaks down fat in the body for energy.

Furthermore if you still decide to use a bisphosphonate drug be sure to take a shot of aloevera juice to protect your intestines since those drugs can damage them. My wife had a small stoke taking boniva. Now the doctors said it was not Boniva and had her in the hospital for 3 days with extensive tests costing over $15,000. I requested that they take her off Boniva which they approved and put her on Fosomax.When she took Fosomax she felt so bad that she was staying in bed a lot and she started bleeding. It was suggested to me by another patient with the same cancer to have her take a shot of aloevera juice each day and she snapped out of her negative state. She said that not only did it help take Fosomax but her colon test showed a remarkable improvement.

At 70 my nails look great and my tennis game has improved as a result of following my own suggestions. No more pulled ligaments and my nails are not cracking and my stomach is not an element of "are you pregnant" jokes. Remember that your body rebuilds itself every so many years totally so you really should feel young all through your life. Don't suppress the process!


If you wake up at night with dry mouth, this is an indication that you are not hydrating your body properly. This also is a free monitoring device. No cost involved. If you want to spend about $10 you should order the book "Your Body's many cries for Water" by Batmanghelidj M.D. He is a gift of Iran and its repressive measures causing him to come to America. Alzheimer's disease is caused by chronic dehydration, lack of salt, and an intake of aluminum. These have an effect on brain cells. The other test for dehydration is pain even heart pain. The third test for dehydration is urine color. If it is not light yellow then you are dehydrated.


While you can have your blood tested for aluminum in your body, a simple way is to notice - you are having any hair loss. Now tests have shown that excessive amounts of aluminum has a direct effect on your memory. Once the aluminum levels go down, your memory increases. This may favor Batmanghelidj's theory on alzheimer's disease.

Note that aluminum is a necessary mineral but to much may cause Altheimer's disease. Since this is effecting so many people as is cancer, I am addressing it here. Now in the past it was not that big of an issue. What has increased:



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to list a few. Now consider this. Take a head of lettuce. Break it with your hands and place it in a plastic container and put it in the refrigerator. Now take another half of lettuce and cut it with a knife and do the same. You will notice after a while that the lettuce that you cut with a knife is turning dark because of the oxidation effect. That is some of the molecules off the cutting device have been transferred to the lettuce causing the oxidation. Similarly these molecules of metal are also getting into your body when you use these metal devices to cook! Before we did not have aluminum metal pots and pans. they were made of iron which may be easier to get out of the system. Now one may say that it might be better to go to Teflon pans but remember most of them are made in China. Instead of frying, bake or grill your food outside on a gas grill and microwave your veggies. Use heavier silver utensils and get rid of the light aluminum ones. Remember a little aluminum is OK so it is not necessary to go to extremes.


the FART

Think about this! When you fart gas is excreted. Where does the gas come from? The Intestines. If that gas passes old residue that lines the pipes its gotta smell pretty bad. So if your fart smells pretty bad then you have a problem. Only consider this at times other than bowl movement. If that is the case then you have a problem. Your intestines will not function properly. Time to cleanse. Use natural means such as drinking more water, eating prunes or sauerkraut. If you use extreme cleansing you may destroy healthy bacteria!



The body and all its functions work best in an alkaline state. If your body is acidic the body will not function properly and diseases can flourish. If your urine smells or is too yellow then you have too much acidity in your body. You need to take action to alkaline your internals. Simple solutions: drinking water with minerals, eating more fruit and vegetables especially watermelon! Check the internet for more ideas.

If you notice this condition you should monitor your alkalinity with the test strips that were mentioned earlier on a regular basis.


As published in Dr. Batmanghelidj, MD book salt is an important element to health. A couple of stories stood out in the book concerning terminal cancer in both a dog and cat. Both were healed with simply giving the animals water with a touch of sea salt.

The lack of salt in your system can be tested by simply looking at yourself in the mirror or checking your leg. If you have bags under the eyes or double chin or your legs have varicose veins or spider veins then your body is short of salt. Other indicators is pain in the legs especially at night and cramps. Technical detail is explained in Dr. Batman's book.

It is said that shortage of salt and water suppresses the immune system so taking vitamins that help the immune system will not work properly without these two elements.

Note also if your pets show arthritis add sea salt into their water bowl. If they have developed a tumor rub essiac tonic onto the tumor daily. I used this method on a tumor that I had in my leg for over 10 years which caused pain in my legs but decreased in size with this treatment. a cure for arthritis in the hands. Check online for method of use.


If you or your children are having headaches and may be acting irrational then you need to check the oxygen level in your blood stream. Normal oxygen levels in the blood stream ranges between 95% to 99%. Anything lower is a problem. Having a tester around is a good idea. It only costs about $20 and is shown below.