ECM has developed a series of products for micro computers and mainframe computers in support of business, education, and individuals. All micro system run on a software platform such as Windows or stand along in a DOS environment. The micro systems do require a 32 bit format and not the 64 bit format.

On the mainframe ECM has developed a productivity optimizer that at one time replaced CICS and TSO but now works as a sub system of IBM'S IMS or CICS and replaces IBM'S ADF and TSO. The system is based on a new programming language QPL and is supported by an on line real time compiler both of which were developed by Serge Grant.

While improving productivity over standard programming, it also improves response time by it's virtual programming concept. The system does require programming in assembler language for maximum effeciency althogh most of the code is developed in the QPL language which supports the virtual modules of the SAVIC system.

You can access detail information about these systems by pressing the LINK button below.