It has been reported that most of the hospital beds in the United States is occupied by mental patients. This is an unacceptable situation and may be easily resolved. This is a strain on the medical establishment and a burden on Medicare and insurance companies which has an impact on the cost of insurance for everyone.

We believe that if everyone had a sound philosophy most of the mental illness would disappear. Now parents and grand parents attempted to install a sound philosophy as well as the religious institutions. So in part this is a repetition of those concepts already presented previously although this may be a more managed and organized approach. ECM management division develops management concepts. Without a well formulated and sound philosophy of life one can befall many pitfalls and one being mental illness.

Second of all there is in most cases of mental instability a root cause of chemical inadequacy. Vitamins that can help are B12, B6, and folic acid. B12 is a very large molecule and when taken in pill form does not get into the blood stream as effectively as in sub lingual method. That is placing the tablet under your tongue and letting it dissolve. This replaces the B12 shots. You could also take Gummy Vites or similar multi-vitamin gummy bears for children since they are high in B6, B12, and folic acid.

You should also take iomega 3 capsules. This fatty acid is very helpful to the mind process and as a side effect it helps keep the skin looking young. You can get this naturally by eating a handful of walnuts three times a week or eating salmon twice a week. Actually getting the iomega 3 fatty acid naturally is better for you. A greater amount of the nutrient get absorbed by the body cells.

Another important combination is adequate water intake for hydration and sea salt. Sea Salt provides sodium which is an important element for brain functioning. This requirement is described by Dr. Batmanghelidj, M.D. Sea Salt is better then regular salt. Regular salt has iodine so some of it is also necessary. Reducing it from the diet could cause problems for brain cell reproduction.

There is another consideration for chemical inadequacy and that is intestinal constipation. Since the brain regenerates itself in three years as noted on Channel 13 national news, and a child who may be psychotic is going to the bathroom a lot may simply mean that he or she is constipated and the body system has been impaired causing lack of nutrients to be processed into the system especially the brain. Now this process requires enzymes which require vitamin D which is derived from ultraviolet light by the bodies skin so a walk in the park or neighborhood serves two purposes. If it is cloudy ultraviolet light penetrates the clouds so it does not matter. If this is the case then this issue must be addressed first.

To relieve constipation simply requires eating a box of prunes which can be purchased from Walgreens for $1.00. Some procedures suggested are costly and may not be the best way to resolve the problem.

- Oxygen levels play a very important part in the proper functioning of the brain. If the oxygen level in the blood stream falls below 95% a person will start getting a headache and will start acting irrationally. So if a child or adult starts acting irrational on occasion it is imperative that you check the oxygen level of the blood stream and heart beat rate. This can be achieved by an blood oxygen tester which you could purchase from Amazon for about $20.00. Here is an image of one:

Now I believe that when a person can not think rationally due to the lack of oxygen or by other factors previously stated, that a person can be oppressed by a spirit. This would result in psychotic behavior. This is where a sound personal philosophy is important and will be discussed later. This idea is being researched currently and not an absolute.

One final suggestion: physical fitness. If one does not have physical fitness then you are suppressing the human functioning body. That is why a physical fitness program is so important for mental health. Usually we all have a new years resolution to reduce weight and improve physical fitness although after a while the effort fades away. Here is a suggestion. Start with small and build on it. To continue the effort include in your daily work plan a physical fitness element but number it. The numbering is the key. Such as WORKOUT # 10. As you make an entry into your log book the number increases. The higher number becomes a motivational factor for you to continue. If you reached your goal say number 50, and at this point you will be feeling better, set another goal but make it reasonable say 100. You will be surprised that continuance is more likely with this program.

With the physical and chemical issues out of the way, are there any mental issues that might contribute to mental illness? False teachings may cause the mind to accept other invalid ideas. This may generate a lack of confidence in the mental process. As an example if a person is bullied and negative statements are made he or she may believe them rather than conclude that what they are doing is trying to hurt my feelings and they will be punished by God for it. Furthermore I will talk to someone to have this stopped since what they say is false.

Lets look at a few false concepts promoted by the science and teaching professions.

Now the Big Bang Theory originated from a concept proposed by a Jesuit catholic Priest. Since the universe is expanding it must of expanded from a central point. Scientists then concluded that a mass so large that it would take billions of years to travel around it at the speed of light exploded and out of chaos came order in the form of galaxies, solar systems stars, planets, and moons which follow laws of physics. Science would not exist if there were no dependencies which could be defined by equations. Equations necessitates order and consistency in testing results. But order never came as a result of chaos.

Scientists also skirt the question what was this mass made of. Was is made of electrons and protons and neutrons. Was there any fusion going on in the center of the mass and if so when did it start. How about the massive force fields When did the force field come to be and if it was there, how could any explosion go against such a powerful force field? Furthermore were did the electron, protons and neutrons come to be? Where did the associated force field come to be? When did light come to be. And oh by the way when did the electrons start orbiting the nucleus of the atom? What the Jesuit priest concluded was that from God's energy matter was created. Einstein's equation E=M*C*C implies that in a small amount of matter there is a lot of energy. That is if you convert a little bit of matter you will get a lot of energy output. This was the basis for the atomic bomb.

Many scientists still propose the Big Bang Theory over Creationism. Yet you can not have science unless you have Creationism. Let me explain. Chaos does not bring order. Without order you can not have dependencies. Without dependencies you can not have equations. Without equations you can not have science. Finally the primary dependency is GOD the creator. Now as Gates has a large staff of programmers to support the development of Windows, GOD had a large staff of angels to support his creative process.

It is mentally damaging to promote a false theory on students.

Another false teaching that is prevalent is that there is no GOD, a Creator.

It is as if you looked at a Camero or Ford Mustang convertible and said, NO INTELLIGENT BEING built this car. It just happened over a period of thousands and thousands of years. They are very functional and good looking but that just happened. Would not the people at Ford and Chevy be upset by such a comment. Don't you think that God is upset by the same mental attitude.

If students accept this theory of chaos bringing about order then how do you expect them to think logically.

You can not have all the different species of animals, birds, plants, human beings, fish, each perfectly formed so evolution is also a fraud. Yes there was a certain amount of evolution but it does not explain all the various types of species. Furthermore, each was programmed through the DNA. DNA is programming code. It would be like someone looking at a program for Microsoft Windows the first time and say "Wow, I bet that took millions of years to accidentally come together like that." If I was one of the programmers that developed that code I would have said that person is an idiot. I am sure God thinks the same way. Certainly women didn't come from monkeys. They are too beautiful. Hairy men, maybe!

Both may be deliberate deceptions in order to create disorder of the mind set.

Why the deception, because some companies and individuals make a lot of money from it. Disorder creates problems while order solves problems. Once you permit your mind to accept an imposteric idea, you have damaged the natural mental processes. This is from outside yourself. At the same time telling lies to others or even yourself has the same effect. Pretty soon you do not know or trust yourself.

Did the Bible lie when it said that in six days God created the universe and rested on the seventh. We do not know the means by which God keeps time. We do so based on the revolution of our planet. 24 hours, 60 minutes in a hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 1000 milliseconds in a second. God's day may be a billion years. God certainly did not stand on the earth and tell the earth to start rotating and then God raced the clock as he did all the things described. Furthermore you can not contemplate God, nor can you contemplate eternity. But if there is eternity you better be a gambling person and bet on it else you may end up in the wrong place at the wrong time! Do you buy lotto tickets then use the same reasoning.

And by the way many religious entities do not mention purgatory. Many who die are very surprised that there is. Jesus said to Sister Faustina "Justice requires it". God the Father said to Mother Eugenia "I judge him with a paternal love. He called me father and he is saved. He will spend a period of time in expiation, and after this he will be happy for all Eternity. Everyone must understand that those people that do not do the will of God "to love one another" and do harm to others will be punished. Sister Fasutina was very surprised to hear that the time she said a hurtful word to her mother was recorded and punishable. She was given the gift of seeing her life record.

Think of the doctors that make millions prescribing unnecessary procedures. Think of the drug company board of directors that set exorbitant prices for their drugs because the help cancer patients to make excessive profit. Think of the energy company business managers who raise gas prices at the expense of the little person to make millions for themselves. Think of the CEO's that lay off people here in America and send them to a foreign country to make a profit. Think of the insurance industry that overcharges and then provides less than necessary benefits. Think of the person who kills a family in a car accident because he or she got drunk. Think of the person that robbed a bank or retired person on the internet. Think of the person that kills someone just to get a few hundred dollars. In all of these cases it is said that if they ask forgiveness of God, they will get it. But they will also end up in purgatory for hundreds of years depending on how many and how much they hurt others. That is why is wise to leave the punishment to God because everyone without exception who was a bully in a young age or old will be punished accordingly. They all may not end up in hell but there is no exception! Remember Jesus said "Justice requires it."

So the first thing we as humans need to assert is that there are limitations to our mental capabilities and we don't know everything and that's OK. But we need to be careful in concluding that something does or does not exist or occur and then insist that this one perspective will be taught to our students.

With the previous considerations taken seriously we can not suggest that each person program his mind or brain to conform to a sound personal philosophy. In other words we as humans discipline ourselves to follow an ordered way of life.

This philosophy is based on the teaching of Jesus Christ and previously noted in the Jewish Bible and supported by the Muslim teachings. "thou shall love the Lord they God with your whole strength, heart, mind, and soul, and your neighbor as yourself." It is simple and even a child that reaches the age of reason can understand it.

Orderly mental activity supported by a philosophy of life can expand our knowledge and understanding base as well as keep each one of us of sound mind and mentally healthy. Now we could get really complicated in this analysis but if you noticed Jesus selected fisherman to be his board members, not scientists, professors, business men, or generals. Therefore a philosophy of life should be simple but thorough and provide for individuality and discernment to detail. Furthermore He taught us not by word alone but by example and actions. He even pointed out that love is above the law when he healed the lepers on a Sunday.

The Philosophy is displayed and we encourage you to print the document.

When we say that Loving God means serving, adoring and obeying God, we simply assert what everyone who says the OUR FATHER does. This is a prayer made up by Jesus. First is gives us a family feeling when we think of God since we can call him our Father. The prayer goes like this: "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done"

hallowed be thy name - adoring God

Thy kingdom come - serving God to achieve this for it is our responsibility and we have not done well on this planet but others may have done better and thus more advanced.

Thy will be done - obeying God's commandments

When asked by Moses what his name was He said "I am who am" In other words he need not have a name to distinguish Himself from another God. He elects to be called Father since he is the creator of all mankind. In other words he wants a close relationship with the creatures he created else he would have said call me mighty powerful creator. Since Jesus knows him best, he told us to call him "Our Father".

While these ideas will not resolve all the MENTAL CASES, it may reduce the MENTAL CASE load to a manageable number. This is our only goal.

One other item: Have we as humans ever considered setting up one day even a holiday that would recognize and applaud God's creation and give credit where it is due? Now maybe God assigned to the angels responsibility of the details of each entity but it was God who created the means for the universe. It is just like we give Mr. Gates credit for simplifying the utilization of the micro computer when it fact it is the 1,000 or so programmers and analysts that actually did it.

We suggest that the first Sunday in August be set aside by all religions in the world to honor God as Father of all Mankind and Creator of the Universe. First of all we all can agree on the fact that MAN was God's greatest creation. Yet we as a whole have not considered recognizing Him for this marvelous DNA production. You never know, this could result in world peace if we all work together for a common goal that all can agree on. Establishing a date simply eliminates a disagreement issue between religions. Each year we give honor to directors, actors, athletes,and musicians for their efforts and achievements yet we ignore the greatest production ever.

Now some people will still say my great great great .... grandfather was a rock that exploded a time back called the BIG BANG as refereed to by scientists. Here are a couple of predictions by the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1981 and 1982 that are rather interesting. If they come thru you may want to reconsider your opinions.

In October of 1981 Mary said "With regard to Russia, It is the people where God will be most glorified. The West has made civilization progress, but without God, as if they were their own creators."

In July 12, 1982 to the question "will there be a Third World War?", Mary responds " The Third World War will not take place".

There was another visionary that saw three flags together: American, Israel, and Russian.

All three are rather inconsistent with the state of the world now but rather promising and thus helpful to the human mindset!